
Assay.Works offers a comprehensive range of functional assessment and mechanistic analysis technologies for drug discovery across various therapeutic areas. 

Our capabilities include:

  • Bioactivity measurement for membrane-bound receptors (GPCRs, RTKs) via signaling pathways and second messengers
  • Transporter and ion channel activity assessment through metabolite/ion flux and electrophysiology
  • Direct measurement of molecular interactions (protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid)
  • Protein degradation assays
  • Biochemical, biophysical, and coupled enzymatic assays
  • Imaging-based live-cell phenotypic analyses
  • AI-powered cell painting for comprehensive drug candidate profiling. 

These assays can be scaled from small (10-100 compounds) to large (1000-1000000 compounds) screening campaigns, enabling quantitative assessment of disease-relevant readouts for potential drug candidates across different modalities. This diverse assay portfolio allows for both target-based and phenotypic approaches in drug discovery.

At Assay.Works our partners can benefit from an integrated High-throughput screening (HTS) platform which:

  • Combines standardized reader devices with adaptable workstations
  • Allows for various functional measurements
  • Adjustable for different complexity and throughput needs

Readers & Liquid handling technologies

Detection Devices:

  • FLIPR® Tetra: A renowned high-throughput cellular screening system by Molecular Devices.
  • EnVision®: A multi-label, multi-mode plate reader offered by PerkinElmer.
  • Operetta CLS®: PerkinElmer's high-throughput, high-content confocal fluorescence microscopy system.
  • Centro®: Berthold's versatile flash-luminescence detection instrument.
  • PatchLiner®: Nanion's automated patch clamp system known for giga-Ω seal data quality.
  • FACSCelesta™: BD Biosciences' multi-color cell analysis system.
  • SURFE2R 96SE: Nanion's SSM-based electrophysiology platform.

Liquid Handling and Automation:

  • A custom robotic screening platform capable of automated, scheduled, and temperature-controlled cell-based or biochemical high-throughput assays. It features a modular design for maximum flexibility and performance.
  • compound.mill: A custom liquid handling workstation specializing in nanoliter sample dispensing and compound plate preparation, based on Labcyte's Echo® 550.
  • A versatile liquid handling workstation designed for sterile 96 and 384-well microplate processing, built upon CyBio®-FeliX technology.
  • Freedom EVO®: Tecan's proven and reliable robotic liquid handling system suitable for various scales and throughputs, equipped with a 384-well head and 8-channel liquid handler.
  • Cell-based Assay Examples

    Cell-based Assay Examples

    Target ClassAssay & Detection FormatsTherapeutic  Area
    GPCR class AGq-induced IP1 - detection, TRF
    Gq/Gi-induced calcium flux, FLIPR
    Gi-induced cAMP - detection, TRF
    Gs-induced beta-lactamase reporter gene
    Gi-induced cAMP-detection, TRF
    Neuropathic Pain
    Metabolic Disorders
    Immunological Disorders
    GPCR class BGs-induced cAMP - detection, TRF
    Gs-induced beta-lactamase reporter gene
    Neuropathic Pain
    GPCR class CGq/Gi-induced calcium flux, FLIPRNeurodegeneration
    Membrane receptor/DAP12 interactionPhospho-syk detection, AlphaScreenNeurodegeneration
    Protein destabilization Protein detection, AlphaScreenNeurodegeneration
    TRP channelCalcium flux, FLIPRNeurodegeneration
    Ligand-gated Ion ChannelCalcium flux, FLIPR
    Membrane potential, FLIPR
    Halide flux, FLIPR
    Automated patch clamp
    FluxOR potassium flux
    Neuropathic Pain
    Metabolic Disorders
    Voltage-gated Ion ChannelMembrane potential, FLIPR
    Automated patch clamp
    Calcium flux, FLIPR
    Neuropathic Pain
    Toll-like receptorCytokine release, AlphaScreenImmunological Disorders
    Cation diffusion facilitatorCalcium flux, FLIPRImmunological Disorders
    CaCCHalide flux, FLIPRImmunological Disorders
    Nuclear hormone receptorBeta-lactamase reporter geneImmunological Disorders
    SulfotransferaseProtein detection, AlphaLISAImmunological Disorders
    Transport proteinIntracellular pH, fluorescent
    Beta-lactamase reporter gene
    Live-cell microscopy
    High-content microscopy
    Halide flux, FLIPR
    Metabolic Disorders
    Immunological Disorders
    GPCR class B (Adhesion)Gq/Gi-induced calcium flux, FLIPRMetabolic Disorders
    GlycosidaseLuciferase reporter geneMetabolic Disorders
    Protein kinaseLanthaScreen TRFOncology
  • Biochemical Assay Examples

    Biochemical Assay Examples

    Target ClassAssay & Detection FormatsTherapeutic  Area
    Ubiquitin proteolytic pathwayPeptide cleavage, fluorescence quenchingNeurodegeneration
    beta- and gamma-secretase Peptide cleavage, fluorescence quenching
    Peptide cleavage, TRF
    ABC transporterLipid-based ATP conversionNeurodegeneration
    PhosphodiesteraseTRF, phospho-substrate metal binding, IMAPNeurodegeneration
    Protein kinasePhospho-substrate detection, TRF
    ATP loss, luminescent
    Protein-protein interaction,  AlphaScreen
    Substrate detection, AlphaScreen
    Metabolic Disorders
    Immunological Disorders
    Cytidine deaminaseNucleic acid detection, AlphaScreenImmunological Disorders
    Nuclear hormone receptorPeptide recruitment, AlphaScreenImmunological Disorders
    Ubiquitin ligaseProtein detection, AlphaScreen
    Peptide-peptide interaction
    Metabolic Disorders
    Immunological Disorders
    AcyltransferaseFluorescence intensityMetabolic Disorders
    CarboxylaseTranscreener, TRF
    Coupled enzyme, luminescence
    Metabolic Disorders
    Bcl-2 FamilyFluorescence IntensityOncology
    GTPaseFluorescence polarization (FP)Oncology
    TransferaseMalachite GreenOncology
    DNA PolymeraseADP generation, luminescentOncology
    Histone-demethylaseProtein detection, AlphaLISA
    methyl-peptide detection, TRF
    Motor ProteinATP loss, luminescentOncology
    poly-ADP ribose polymerase ADP generation, luminescentOncology
    Transcription factorParsylation, TRFOncology
    Unfolded protein responseProtein-protein interaction, TRFOncology